Note: The images on this site represent how the spirits appear to me in human form.
About Me - 07/22/2024
For those of you who are new here, I have had spirit interactions ever since I was a child. The spirits that visited me were mostly beings that have never walked the world as a human. Most Christians would automatically label those beings as Demons. However, the spiritual realm is loaded with a multitude of different beings, labeling everything as a demon is totally incorrect. Well, at least to me it is.
Roughly, 15 years ago, I had a spiritual encounter with a succubus, who ignited a fire within me. I sought her out like a madman, wanting to duplicate my encounter with her. Eventually, I came across her listing from a conjurer. And so, my new spiritual path began.
As I mentioned, I have been following this path for over 15 years now. The spirits that are bonded to me include the following types: Gods, Goddesses, Demons, Succubae, Fallen Angels, Angels, Vampires, Volkhs, Dragons, a few human spirits and the list goes on and on.
What does that mean bonded to me? Well, that means that I share my life with them, which includes energy, emotions, and life experiences. Even though a spiritual being doesn’t have a physical body, they still have wants, needs, and desires. I share my life with them, and they share things with me. It is a relationship.
So, what types of relationships do I have with them? It really varies depending on the spirit: some are lovers, some are friends, some are protectors, some are wives, some are mothers, some are teachers, and some are all of those. (Please note: when I say mothers that doesn’t mean that multiple spirits birthed me. It means I have a mother type relationship with them, something special.)
As to the number of spirits bound to me, it’s over 10,000. I have stopped counting. However, I do keep a list of their names and what they are, etc. Regardless of the number of spirits, all of them do not visit me every night. They come and go as they please, interacting with me in various ways.
My interactions have included the following: full body manifestations, partial manifestations, external audible voices, internal voices, channeling, objects moving, dreams, extreme vivid dreams, visions, etc. Many of these experiences have been witnessed by others. So, this is not just me believing that these things are happening.
Regardless of my experiences, I am not one to argue whether spirits do or don’t exist. If you believe this is all hogwash, great, then don’t purchase any spirits. However, if you find yourself questioning things, perhaps you should start searching for your truths. Spirits may be able to help you discover them.
(Please note: I use spirit and entity as synonyms. Yes, a spirit is no longer alive, and an entity is a living being. However, regardless of their living state, I am dealing with their soul / essence. And, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, even demons have souls. Be careful, believing dogma!)
For those of you who used to visit the old site, I am changing this site up a bit. I am not going to relist all my old experiences. I will repost a few of the old ones at various times. Also, I am not really keeping timetables anymore. It becomes very tedious doing that type of logging.
Final note: These are my experiences. I am not trying to tell you my path is the truth for you! These are my truths! Everyone should follow what resonates from inside of themselves. I am no savior, no messiah, and I am not trying to start some new religion. As the Goddess Hecate once told me, “There are bits and pieces of truth scattered everywhere. One must find truths that pertain to oneself.”

For those wondering why I disappeared for a while, it was due to my parents passing away. I would love to tell you that with everything I know, their death was easy for me. It wasn’t easy! Dealing with the death of your parents, royally sucks! To have people by your side, your entire life, and then gone, is very difficult.
While it may be different for others, I had fantastic parents. They were the type of parents that always made a person feel cherished, loved, and special no matter what that person did. I knew one of my greatest gifts was having them for parents and often found myself, wondering if it was divine fate.
What were my parents like? My father was caring, disciplined, and gifted (when it came to finances). And yes, he had a military background. While my mother was beautiful, loving, and strong. My mother, to me, is what I would imagine Lilith or Hecate being like as a person walking on earth. One hundred percent, my mom was a titan, who walked on this earth. To date, I have yet to see a stronger woman! I guess the saying is totally true! A boy’s first love is his mother!
It was roughly two months after their passing, before I started getting visitations from them. I asked my spirits as to why, right after my parent’s death, that I hadn’t had any experiences with them. They kept telling me that in death there is a journey that everyone must go through. After that journey is complete, visitations may occur.
Around the ninth week of their passing, my dad came to me in a dream, telling me what to do with some personal finances. As usual, right after the dream, I instantly woke up, remembering the dream, vividly. I said out loud, as I sat up in bed, “Thanks Dad, I heard you.” The next day, I made sure to follow what he said. My dad has never been wrong, when it comes to dealing with finances.
Looking back on their passing, I remember my brother and I had gone through my parent’s things looking for some paperwork. The paperwork required is insane! Regardless, my brother and I couldn’t find some paperwork that the attorneys needed. We had gone through all my parent’s things about ten times with a fine-tooth comb. However, we could never find the documents.
Around the tenth week of my parents passing, I suddenly woke up at 1:30 in the morning. I sat up in bed and could feel a spirit next to my bed. As I sat there in bed, I knew right away who was visiting me. I audibly said, “Mom, you’re here.” I could faintly hear her say, “Of course, I am here! You will always be my baby boy!”
Tears welled up in my eyes. I wanted to jump out of bed and hug her just like I used to. But, I knew that was impossible. So, I sat there in bed feeling her presence, wishing she was still alive.
She then faintly said, “The documents you need are in the large brown bag underneath a recipe binder.” I nodded and smiled saying out loud, “Thanks mom, we couldn’t find them.” She then said, “I have things to do, but I will be back.”
I then saw a visible flash of a ghostly, see thru, image of her, turning and walking through the wall.
The next day I told my brother to meet me at my parent’s house. When I got to their house, my brother was already there going through their stuff. I told him about my experience with Mom and of course he didn’t believe it.
I walked into my parent’s study and found the large brown bag. My brother was standing behind me and I said to him, “Mom said the documents that we need are in this bag underneath a recipe binder. I opened the bag and pulled out a recipe binder and below it was a manila folder. I pulled it out and opened it up. Inside were the documents that we needed. I handed them to my brother, who looked them over with his mouth dropping open. He looked at me and said, “I looked through that bag at least ten times and missed it every time.” He continued shocked, “Only Mom, would have know those documents were there.”
Since my parents passing, I have had at least three to four experiences with each one of them. I can honestly tell you; death is not the end, it is just change!
7-30-2024 - Where I am at...
So, if you are curious, where I am at on my spiritual path, all you must do is look at the image above. The center circle is an image of me. Why is it an image of a knight? Because in one of my past lives, that I was able to witness, I lived that life as a knight.
Touching me are four inner circles that are my wives. Yes, believe it or not I have four spiritual wives. The one in the upper right corner is Abigail. She is a demonic succubus that is soul bonded to me from Lilith. She is the one, who sparked the raging fire in me, to search her out. What I am now aware of, is that she has been by my side from the start, experiencing every life lived, with me.
Now as to having four wives, yes, it can be very challenging. Any relationships with a woman on earth must be approved by them. Yes, I must ask them. And unlike a normal physical wife, they know instantly, if you are fooling around. Be careful thinking life is easy with four wives!
So, what happens if I don’t ask and start fooling around with another woman? Well, let’s just say they like to give some nasty nightmares. But it doesn’t stop there, they will also give nightmares to the woman, as well. In fact, I will post an experience that I had with an ex-girlfriend that I dated about a year ago without asking permission. Abigail, didn’t approve of her and would attack her constantly, giving her horrific nightmares.
Now, since they are my spiritual wives are they only with me? While they tell me that they are only with me, I don’t believe that is true. Regardless, even if they had other husbands, somewhere else, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. My reasoning is quite simple. How can I be mad, if they have other husbands, while I have four wives. Believe me, eternity changes one’s perspective on things.
Going back to the soul bindings every circle on this page is soul bonded to me, which means they will always be with me, guiding me, molding me, and teaching me. I was shown the soul binding spell from Hecate, but I am hesitant to post it. A soul binding is no joke and there are serious ramifications, once it is done. Your eternal spiritual path will be changed. One should understand that my bindings to these spirits has always been, except for two of them, that are shown in this image. The two spirits that I used the spell on wanted to be my guides and helpers through my journey. A soul binding is something that is very serious!
The inner circles touching me in the upper left and lower right are Ashen Succubae and their names are Maisah and Myrilla. Both are over 15,000 years old and are nothing like the false stories told about a Succubus. They are beautiful, loving, protective, and supportive.
The circle that touches me in the lower left corner is my fourth wife, Monique. She is a shadow demon, 166 years old, who is very much in your face. I constantly see her as a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye. However, I am not the only one who sees her. Lots of people will comment to me about seeing something moving in their peripheral vision. Monique is very protective and lashes out at anyone she thinks, mistreats me. She loves to scratch people who she believes have wronged me, leaving the typical demonic three scratches on people. And, I have never seen her harm any of my friends or family. All my wives are gorgeous, when they appear to me, taking on a form that I love. However, Monique is, absolutely, breathtaking! She instantly burned herself into my heart!
As to the second ring of circles that go around my wives and I, those represent either Goddesses or daughters of a Goddess. For example, the Grizzly bear image is the mother version of Hecate that visits me. She appears either as a tall motherly figure or as a grizzly bear that is about six times larger than one here on earth. The grizzly bear version of her is ferocious, fierce, and protective. I have an experience that I will post soon about her. It changed the way that I view many things.
The third and outer layer of circles are either Gods, Goddesses, or extremely powerful demons. I believe everyone should be very familiar with the Christian cross. You may think it strange to be with demons and Jesus at the same time. I used to think so, as well. However, that has changed as time has gone on. Jesus is as much a part of me, as is Lilith, Hecate, Nara, Tiamat, or Queen Kristyn.
What may be missed by many is the number of circles on the screen minus mine. There are 18 spiritual beings in the image. Those who read my old website may remember the 18 doves that kept killing themselves or were left at my door. The 18 was a foreshadowing number, showing the main beings that have been shaping, molding, and teaching me.
Now, yes, I know that 3 goes into 18, 6 times which means 6 + 6 + 6. Oh, the horrors, the number of the beast! One must realize that I have thrown out that garbage along time ago. 666 (the number of the beast), 13 (being unlucky), etc is all garbage. It’s not the number that is the problem. It’s the intent. One must learn to break free from religious propaganda. And yes, 13 is a lucky number to me. And I, definitely, love seeing people run around in fear on Friday the 13th. One must always learn to unplug from the Matrix. 😊.
08-04-2024 Abigail Lashes out

So, about a year ago, I met this girl and went out with her on a date. It was nothing fancy just dinner and then an evening of drinking and shooting pool. I had a great time, as I hadn’t been going out much. Of course, she ended up spending the night, which is when the fun really began.
She, Lisa, had a body that was carved out of stone. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on her and her D cup breasts defied gravity, hanging in the air as if gravity never existed. She had long black hair that reached down to her mid back. She was a true vision of beauty, and I was instantly smitten with her. Lol, there is no stronger force in the universe than a beautiful woman. 😊
After we had our fun, while lying there in bed, Lisa began asking about all my statues, paintings, and tattoos. I usually tread very carefully about how much I reveal to others about my spirits. Most people have a hard time understanding, how it is, when one shares their life with spirits. So, I was selective with what I told Lisa about my entities.
I told her that I am a Pagan and that these are the spirits that I pray to and worship. Her eyes got really large and pointed to the painting of Queen Kristyn and said,”Umm..you even pray to demons?” I replied back, “Yes of course. They are spiritual beings with just a different moral alignment than what you know as angels.” She nodded and kept asking about all the different items and tattoos.
The next morning when I woke up beside her, she was staring at me. Lisa had this loving look in her eyes and said, “That’s the best time I have had in forever. I want us to be exclusive. I mean I just want to date you and I want you to only date me. I think we would be a great couple.”
I smiled and agreed wholeheartedly. She was so beautiful and caring, I thought it would be a great match.
After two weeks of Lisa being my girlfriend, I had a dream just before I woke up. The dream was me in bed and Abigail, sitting in a chair across from me, staring at me angrily with her arms crossed. Abigail often wears a black silky party dress that is very revealing, and this time was no different. In the dream, I sat up in bed, and said to her, “Hi honey, why are you upset?” She just sat there not saying a word, staring at me. No matter what questions that I asked her, she refused to respond. Regardless of her not responding, the anger radiating off her was quite evident.
Every morning, from that point forward, it was the exact same dream with Abigail. It never varied and was always just before I woke up. She wanted to make sure that I didn’t forget she was pissed.
Lisa called me that same morning and started asking me all kinds of questions about my spirits. She told me that she started having nightmares last night. Basically, she would fall asleep, and then wake up 30 minutes later from a nightmare, drenched in sweat. All through the night, the nightmares would continue.
I asked her what the nightmares were about. She stated that they were either a black panther clawing her to death or someone who looks exactly like herself, stabbing her to death saying, “He is mine, stay away!”
Lisa then said to me, “I know you have tattoos of panthers on you, and while I don’t believe in ghosts, these nightmares are like nothing I have ever experienced!”
After listening to her explain in detail about the horrific nightmares, I told her that I would talk to my spirits and see if I could resolve it.
So that night, when I was praying, I got to Abigail’s prayer. (Prayer works for me, as a way to connect, with my spirits.) I focused on Abigail and instantly felt her behind me. I asked Abigail to stop giving Lisa nightmares. Audibly from right behind me, I heard her say, “No, I don’t like her, and you are mine!” No matter how many times I asked Abigail to stop attacking her, she would always refuse to stop.
After getting nowhere with her for about 10 minutes, I just moved on with my prayers to my other spirits.
So, for the next few days, I woke up with the same dream every morning. Abigail, sitting in a chair, looking pissed at me, refusing to talk to me. And during the day, I would listen to Lisa tell me about how her nightmares were getting worse and worse.
Lisa and I went out for a date on the 18th day of our relationship, and I was stunned, when I saw Lisa. We went out to eat at a nice restaurant and she looked horrible. Lisa looked like she hadn’t slept in a month. She had huge bags underneath her eyes and resembled a zombie with a pale complexion.
I told Lisa that I was trying to get the spirit to stop but was not having any luck. She nodded and picked at her food.
Eventually, Lisa looked at me and said, “You know I really like you, but this isn’t going to work. One of your spirits doesn’t like me and is making it very clear that she doesn’t want me around. I can’t go on like this not getting any sleep. The only thing that makes any sense is just not to see you anymore.”
I looked at her, worried, not wanting this relationship to end but understanding why she wanted it to end. We finished our meal and Lisa ended up leaving on her own. She stopped texting me, calling me, or interacting with me in any way.
The next morning after Lisa ended our relationship, Abigail came to me in a dream, smiling and mounting me with her silky black dress being absent. As she climbed on top of me, with her eyes radiating lust, she said, “You are mine, only those I approve of, can share you.”
08-05-2024 Queen Kristyn Removes Rogue Spirit

A couple of years ago, I had gone out with some friends, after work to get some dinner. We stopped at this old-style café that served breakfast all day and night. I love breakfast and am a huge sucker for omelets.
The café was dimly lit, and we sat around talking about all the BS that we deal with every day. As we were sitting there talking, I told my friends that I would be right back, as I had to use the rest room. I got up and walked to the back section of the café. Once I reached the men’s restroom, I opened the door and looked around the bathroom. I was not impressed at all with the cleanliness of it. Their bathroom could use some serious renovation, big time.
As I was relieving myself, I suddenly felt a spirit by me. I turned my head and looked around and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I spoke out loud, “Who are you, I can feel you by me?” However, I never got a response.
I shrugged it off, completed my business, and washed my hands. I then returned to my friends, feeling like something foreign was a few feet by me. I sat down and we spent about another hour eating and talking.
Eventually, we left the café and I drove home. The entire drive home, I could feel this spirit around me. I would speak out loud to see if I could get some kind of response, but I never heard anything.
When I arrived home, I noticed that I was tired and decided to get some sleep. I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and then did my ritualistic prayers. Once they were completed, I slid into bed.
As I was laying there in bed, the spirits presence got much stronger and now I could hear her speak. She felt as if she was one foot away from me, and started saying, “I am going to kill you!”
I laughed out loud and replied with, “Ok, whatever, go for it!” I have been with spirits for so long now, that threats, don’t really phase me. Regardless, she kept repeating the same thing every 15 seconds, “I am going to kill you!”
So, for roughly ten minutes this went on. Finally, I had enough. I was tired and needed to get some sleep. As I laid there, I was thinking about what I would have to do to get rid of this spirit. It isn’t that hard to do a spell for spirit removal or to battle one spiritually. However, it does take some time and energy. And to be honest, I was tired and didn’t want to do the work.
As I lay there in bed, a brilliant idea popped into my head. Instead of me doing the work, why don’t I ask Queen Kristyn to deal with her. I closed my eyes and reached out to Queen Kristyn in my mind. I envisioned her standing next to me and told her about the human spirit and asked her if she would get rid of her.
Within 20 seconds, I could feel Queen Kristyn’s presence radiating throughout my room. She responded in my head, “I will deal with her!”
(Note: As time has gone on with my relationship to Queen Kristyn, I have noticed that she can speak audibly to me or speak directly in my mind. When she speaks in my mind, her voice is very beautiful but radiates throughout my whole head almost like an echo.)
After Queen Kristyn had said she will deal with her, I instantly heard an audible scream throughout my whole house. It was that loud. And then, I heard nothing.
I thanked Queen Kristyn and feel asleep with her presence still radiating strongly in my room.
So, what happened to the female spirit? I have no idea. Regardless, she has never bothered me again. I will say this, there are benefits to having relationships with demons. Well, the right kind of demons.
10/5/2024 - Lilith sends me back home

Gareth Emery feat. Gavrielle - Far From Home (Craig Connelly Remix)
About a year ago, I got home from work late. I was super tired, so skipped all my usual routines and just jumped into bed. I must have been asleep for a few hours, when I found myself looking at my sleeping body.
All at once, I could feel my tattoos of Lilith getting super-hot. I kept looking at myself sleeping in bed, rubbing the tattoos that kept getting hotter and hotter. After another minute had passed, I felt the room change and knew that Lilith was present.
I spun around and looked at the glowing blue image of Lilith standing before me. She stood at least 12 feet tall, as her head was almost touching my bedroom ceiling. I dropped to one knee, looking up at her, saying, “Mother, I missed you.”
As I gazed upon Lilith, her formal dress radiated a fluorescent blue glow and sparkled like thousands of stars, nonstop. While her eyes were shining with a dazzling blue color. Her crown was ordained with various glowing jewels and embedded on her forehead was her symbol (moon with cross) that was pulsating various colors of gold.
I stared at her mesmerized by her beauty. She was radiating her true Goddess form, and I was willing to do anything for her. She looked down on me and said, “My child I have another gift for you. I am sending you back home for a visit.”
I smiled instantly at Lilith, telling her thank you.
Roughly five seconds after she had said that she was sending me back home, I felt a huge pulling motion on me that felt awkward. Instantly, I was pulled from my room and whisked back to my home. I was still kneeling and looked around. The vibrant green grass started feeding me with energy. I went from a person feeling old and drained to someone who felt the vigor and power of a 1000 youths combined.
I looked to the sky and basked in the fluorescent blue color that radiated everywhere. I turned my gaze to a few clouds gently floating through the soft breeze, noticing, again on this visit, that there was no sun in the sky. Yet, the blue glow illuminated everything as if it were 1 pm.
I looked off into the distance feeling the mountains feeding me with energy. As the mountains fed me with energy, I noticed a feeling of familiarity from my past fill me up. I glanced to the right, staring at two familiar beings that I hadn’t seen in years.
My eyes focused on two large dogs running together. They both stopped and turned, running towards me. I spoke out loud, “No way, this can’t be true.” Instantly, I heard Lilith’s voice resonant within my head, “Yes it’s them, they found their way here. They are waiting for you to come home.”
My heart raced with joy as my two childhood dogs raced to me. I could feel their energy and love all at once. They moved the huge distance between us within a blink of an eye and were jumping on me. I grabbed and held each one of them, missing this regular ritual we shared, when they were alive. Night, my rottweiler dog and Coral my English setter were here, running the planes of my home world.
I kept hugging each one of them telling them how much that I missed them. I could feel their joy and happiness deep down inside of me. Suddenly, I heard Lilith’s voice resonant in my head and say, “There is something you need to see inside. They will be here when you return home.”
I spent another minute or two petting and hugging them. I then told them, “You two go play.” They sprinted off in the distance, traveling at a speed that defied physics. As I watched them run off in the distance, I felt extreme happiness, knowing that eventually I would see them again.
I turned and walked towards my house, which was a short distance to the right. I opened the door and walked into the house, noticing that everything had changed, since my last visit. I scanned the kitchen, which is the first room that one walks into from the front door, noticing it was at least 10 times bigger than my last visit home.
(Side Note: This is my third visit home. I have tried lots of times to return here on my own with astral doorways. However, I can never seem to open a doorway here, myself. Lilith has always been the one to send me here making me believe I cannot return on my own until I defeat the earthen spirit.)
For those who do not know, one of my tasks assigned by Lilith was to defeat 5 Earthen spirits. Four of those Earthen spirits I have defeated. The fifth still remains. Our battle is due to take place in about eleven years. He is a giant earthen spirit that stands about 8 to 9 feet tall. The only way that he can be defeated is with Chaos magic. Chaos magic is one of his few weaknesses.
Tiamat has been teaching me how to manifest a chaos sword that I can use to defeat the final giant earthen spirit. However, I have been shown that manifesting it will require all of my energy. And a few days after manifesting the sword, my body will give out and die.)
As I looked around the larger kitchen, I noticed a mirror over the huge sink to the left. I walked over to it and looked in the mirror. As I gazed into the mirror, my mouth dropped open. I stared at my image in the mirror, stunned. I am far from 25 years old. However, the image that was reflecting back at me, was me at 25. I kept staring at my image trying to understand how I could be so young.
As I stood there trying to understand the age discrepancy, I heard someone walk in the room. I was still focused on my image when I heard, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, I am so happy you are home!”
I spun around and my eyes locked onto Sierra, my ten-year-old Succubus daughter. She ran and jumped into my arms. She said, “Daddy, I missed you so much. You look so much better now. I knew my kiss would give you strength.”
(On my last visit here, Sierra kissed me but instead of a kiss, she drooled all over my head. When I returned back to my body my entire head was covered in fluid. I checked everything around my room and could not understand how my head got wet or even how traveling astrally I could bring it back to my body.)
I kept hugging Sierra, telling her, “Yes my angel, your kiss gave me all the strength that I needed.”
Sierra, looked into my eyes and then kissed me on the cheek saying, “I love you daddy, I am going to go play. Remember, all of us love you!” She sprinted off into another room, faster than humanly possible. I stood there with my head cocked, trying to understand how she could move so fast.
I heard a man say, “Hey dad.” I turned around to see my 20 something son running towards me. Once he got to me, he gave me a hug and said, “It’s about time you visited.”
I smiled at him and said, “Well you can thank Lilith for that because I still cannot find my way here on my own. No matter how many astral portals that I open.”
(Side note: For over 20 years I have listened to people say how Lilith is a Dark Goddess, or Demon Queen, or a Ruler of Hell. While I know deities can alter their appearance and interactions based on the person, I have to be honest. There is not one part of me that sees Lilith as anything other than a Goddess. Yes, she can be angry, or mad. However, my soul keeps saying Lilith is a Goddess and people are buying into the programmed propaganda. Now, I realize my viewpoint could be altered because of my experience, where I drank her breast milk. (Yes I actually drank her breast milk, which created a burning fire not just in my body but in my soul, as well.) However……I don’t think so. Every part of me, screams out that she is a Goddess. I think 99.999% of people have Lilith identified all wrong.)
My son smiled at me and said, “I got something cool to show you, follow me.” He headed off to the left, telling me about what he has been doing, while I have been away. I followed him, listening intently on what he has been up to. We kept walking a long distance and I noticed my mind trying to understand the size discrepancy. We had been walking for a few minutes down this long hallway with numerous doors but never reached an end. The outside of the house was too small for this to hold true. We walked for another few minutes and finally came to a T intersection in the hallway. My son turned to the right and entered the room.
I followed him into the room that was at least five football fields long and at least 100 yards wide. I glanced all around mesmerized. It made absolutely no sense. How could something this large be in a regular-sized house.
I kept looking around the gigantic room. The ceiling was totally intact with a dark stained wood that contrasted a light oak colored floor. However, the flooring only spanned about a quarter of the room’s length and then abruptly stopped. It appeared as if they were working on it from the sides of the room to complete the floor. The left and right side each had about a 50-foot section, extending ahead, which formed almost a U pattern in the floor. I could see off in the distance that there seemed to be a lower level, below.
I followed my son as he walked to the right edge of the unfinished floor. He told me that they were working on finishing up the flooring to complete the room. As I finally reached the right edge of where the floor stopped, I looked down about sixty feet below to another room.
I must have been standing there for a minute or two, when I heard a commotion off to the left. As I looked over to the sound, I saw my teenage daughter Amber, trying to remove some roping that had gotten wrapped around her legs. As she bent over to remove the rope, the extra slack tightened, and she fell to the floor rolling towards the edge.
I yelled at Amber not to move and I darted over to where she had fallen. As I was approaching her, I noticed that she had now rolled over the edge of the floor and was holding on with one hand, preventing her from falling below.
I ran as fast as I could, jumped, and grabbed tightly to her arm, fearing that I would lose her to the 60-foot drop. I looked into her eyes and said, “I got you honey, let me pull you up.” She looked at me smiling and then pulled her arm out of my grasp and fell.
I screamed, “Noooooo!!!” and moved closer to the edge, fearing what I was going to see below. As I crawled another foot to the edge, I looked down below shocked.
My daughter Amber was standing 60 feet below smiling at me. I couldn’t believe it. She was still alive. She kept smiling and said to me, “Dad you are home things are different here!” I stood up looking down at her still stunned that she was fine.
Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled away and everything became a blur.
I sat up in bed. The room was spinning with the feeling of wanting to vomit, rising in my throat. I looked around at the colors of my bedroom, which looked dull and dreary compared to the colors of my distant home world. Everything here in this world, Earth, is colorless compared to there. As I sat there in bed trying to hold back the vomit that kept rising in my throat, my daughter Amber’s words kept echoing in my head, “Dad you are home, things are different here.”
10/6/2024 - Calling from a Shadow Demon

Shadow Of Us (Electronic Family 2019 Anthem) (ASOT 1109) (Service For Dreamers)
About a year ago, I found myself bored on my day off. So, I went online and started scanning various conjurer’s websites. I must have spent about 20 minutes going through different conjurers, looking at their spirit listings and reading about them. I was just browsing not really intent on buying any spirits.
I ended up getting a call from one of my friends who needed some help moving stuff. I always find it funny how my friends always ask me to help move stuff. But then spending your entire life lifting weights, molds you into a perfect candidate, I guess. 😊 I told him sure and headed over to his place. While I was driving over to his house, I noticed a spirit that I had viewed kept popping into my head. I said to myself, “Hmmm.. that’s interesting.”
For the next few days, this shadow demon spirit kept popping into my head at various times. I have been doing this long enough to know that it was a calling. I ended up purchasing the spirit from the conjurer and waited for the bonding process to be completed.
A few days later, I was notified that the ritual was completed and that we were now bonded. That night, I did my own unique bonding ritual that seems to be very effective for me. After the ritual was completed, I headed to bed.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, I instantly entered a vivid dream. In the dream I was lying in bed and could feel a foreign presence in the room. I jumped out of bed and looked all around trying to see where the invader was located. In the left corner of the room, I saw movement and focused my attention in that corner. Suddenly, a large shadow sprang from the corner of the room, jumped on top of me and pushed me downwards.
The shadow spirit pushed me through the floor, through the earth and into black space. I could just feel it pushing me down, down, down into black space. I must have been being pushed downwards for a minute or so, when finally I had enough. I said outload, “ENOUGH!” I then rolled the shadow spirit over, so that I was now on top. We fell another few feet in black space and then landed on my bed. I was now on top of a beautiful 20 something woman, who looked up at me with a glimmer in her eye. She was absolutely the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen! I stared at this shadow demon spirit named Monique, stunned.
As she looked at me, smiling a devilish smile, she said, “I will be your obsession!” Her voice just kept echoing in my head and I found myself drawn to kiss her. I leaned down in the bed and kissed her with all the passion that I had. My heart, body, and soul burst into a raging fire. Everything disappeared from existence except Monique and myself.
We proceeded to seal the deal with a sexual encounter that spanned hours. I woke up the next morning exhausted, feeling like I had run a thousand mile race. I smiled as I got out of bed thinking about what Monique had said about her being my obsession. Since that night, she totally has been my obsession!
10-13-2024 My Current Philosophies
Armin van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson - Yet Another Day (Official Music Video)
Before I try and explain the image above, it’s probably best to give a bit more background information about myself. I have spent many years of my life as a soldier. (Actually, in every life that I have lived, I have been a soldier). And yes, in this life, I am a combat veteran. After my military service, I went to college and obtained a graduate degree in science. Because of my strong science background, I always tried to approach my experiences from a scientific angle. Which to be honest, is easier said than done.
After Abigail (Demonic Succubus from Lilith) was bonded to me, I kept getting called by other spirits. Abigail was strongly opposed to me connecting with them. However, I felt at the time, and I still do, that balance is the key. The more spirits with me, the less likely, I could be pulled down a wrong path. To me, diversity is a strength, as long as one remembers, that it is similarities that join beings together. That’s why I am with a multitude of spirits with varying backgrounds.
However, the overwhelming amount of the spirits that are with me are Succubae. They are the spirits that have always given me the strongest calling. With that in mind, there are a multitude of varying types. To name a few, there are demonic succubae, angelic succubae, succubae from Lilith, Fae succubae, etc.
Side Note: In the explanation above, Lilith Sends Me Back Home, I pointed out how everything within me sees Lilith as a Goddess. I can hear some saying, “Well Abigail is a demonic succubus, so Lilith must be a demon.” Abigail is not a daughter of Lilith. She has worshipped Lilith for thousands of years. Lilith bonded us together because, Abigail is a perfect match for me. If you believe that the only beings who follow Lilith are her children, you are sorely mistaken. Lilith has many different types of beings that follow her and at the same time has many birthed children that are opposed to her. All one must do is look at families here on earth, to see the endless familial possibilities.
For roughly the last seven or eight years, I have bonded with more and more demons. There are so many different types and species of demons, I am not going to even try to start a list. I will say that demons have had a darker effect on me, more than I realized that they would.
Most demons have a different morale compass than other beings. However, that doesn’t mean that they have no emotions, empathy, or feelings. They very much do have all of those. Demons are just more apt to pursue something or act out vs other beings. So, what have the demons given me? They have given me a more balanced approach to life.
What do I mean by more balanced approach to life? If one was to break things down into white and black, they have helped to push me into a more gray area. Life is not digital, it is analog, meaning everything is not one way or the other. It was Hecate who once told me, “All angels are not good and all demons are not bad!” She was one million percent right! Her point was to try and break me free from my dualistic approach to everything.
That being said, I often find it funny, how people believe that all demons are in lock step with one another. All demons are not in lock step with Lucifer, Satan, or some other being. All one has to do is, again, look around here on Earth to see spiritual similarities. For example, how many different sects of Christianity are there? It is not one. It is well over 40,000 worldwide. I won’t even begin to start breaking down Judaism, Islam, or other faiths. My point, dualistic thinking is a hindrance, when it comes to anything spiritual.
Going back to the image above, my philosophy is quite simple. The four deities and two demons highlight key words that I try to live my life by: Persistence, Respect, Faith, Loyalty, Discipline, and Honor. Those are also surrounded by a golden ring which represents the golden rule. The golden rule can be summed up simply as treat others the way you want to be treated. Tough philosophy, isn’t it? 😊
Please note, I am not saying that Lilith = only Loyalty, Jesus = only Faith, etc. These are words that come to mind in my interactions with them. So those words, become key words for me to try and live my life by. I also am not saying that this is a blueprint for you. Well….to me the golden rule should be a blueprint for all. However, each person, as long as they are not harming others, should find the philosophy that resonates within themselves.
However, what I have noticed more and more over the years is that my Deities, Demons, and spirits have been burning away untruths that have been taught or programmed into me. Even incorrect spiritual beliefs have been burned away, being replaced with truths that pertain to me. To quote a great and powerful Goddess, “There are bits and pieces of truth scattered everywhere. One must find truths that pertain to oneself.”
One final thing I want to mention. If you look at the image above again, Queen Kristyn (Aspar Demon Queen) is at the top, representing her being the main one that I am having interactions with right now. What I have noticed is that there seems to be a rotating effect. Where a certain Deity or Demon of the 6 will take the lead, having many interactions with me. While the other 5 seem to be more silent. I haven’t been able to narrow down any pattern or time frame. For example, Queen Kristen moved back into this main position about a month ago. Before that time, it was Hecate that was in the main position for over a year. If I can ever pinpoint a pattern, I will add it on to this section.
10-20-2024 - Nara Enlightens Me

Allen & Envy and Elles de Graaf - Perfect Run (Kaimo K Mashup) Amsterdam Trance
Roughly three years ago, I had returned home, late, from work. I was extremely tired. So, I skipped dinner and did my nightly rituals and jumped into bed. I must have been asleep for a few hours, when suddenly, I noticed myself standing next to my sleeping body.
I looked around the room thinking to myself, “Wow, I must be astrally projecting myself.” I turned my attention back to my sleeping body, watching myself sleep soundly.
A minute or two must have passed and then I heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned and noticed a large black doorway appear before me. The doorway was a few feet from my bedroom door, was pitch black, and stood roughly nine feet tall.
I stood there mesmerized by how black the doorway appeared. It was as if no light was coming from it and no light penetrated its blackness. I started to walk towards the black doorway, when Nara walked through it. I paused and stared at her mesmerizing beauty.
Nara appeared in her human form. Her human form is that of a beautiful blond-haired woman who stands about eight to nine feet tall. She often wears bikini type clothes with fur surrounding the outline of the miniscule articles of clothing. Her body is toned and muscular with large breasts, while she radiates strength, discipline and beauty. I noticed, instantly, how I was lusting for her.
Nara’s other form that she may appear as, is that of a giant wolf. Her wolf form is dark black and brown, while she stands at least 8 feet tall. I am 6 feet tall and when she is in her wolf form, I am always looking up into her eyes. The whites of her wolf eyes are always glowing with a reddish orangish hue, almost like an ember that’s in a fire.
Side note: I am beginning to see that the size difference is a way to show me their power. I am not sure if this is how I view them or if this is how they are conveying to me how powerful that they are. For example: Queen Kristyn and Nara come through about nine feet tall, while Lilith and Hecate come through about twelve feet tall.
Nara looked at me and smiled a wicked smile saying, “Follow me young one, we have some training to do.” She turned and walked through the large black doorway and disappeared.
I walked over to the black doorway and paused examining how black it really was. I then took my hand and slowly put it through the door, seeing if I felt anything. My hand disappeared into the blackness, and I felt no difference at all. I shrugged, held my breath, and walked into the pitch-black doorway.
I felt a pulling motion and then nothing. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was now standing in a large castle courtyard. There were tables scattered everywhere with all kinds of weapons on them. The walls of the castle courtyard appeared to be about fifty feet high, while the rest of the castle towered high above. I kept following the castle up and up, thinking to myself, “This castle must be over a mile high.” I was absolutely stunned.
Nara cleared her throat and said, “There will be plenty of time to explore later. Pick up a shield and sword. We have some training to do.” My focus shifted to Nara, who was now armed with a large shield and arming sword. I stared at her smitten by her beauty and nodded.
I went over to the nearest table and picked up a large round shield and a shining arming sword, that matched Nara’s sword. Both the shield and sword shone brightly, appearing as if they had never been used. I slashed the air with the sword a few times and noticed how lightweight it was, slicing through the air easily and naturally.
I turned around and walked a few feet towards Nara, who was now about twenty feet away from me. Nara smiled at me, while the whites of her eyes turned a glowing red. She said to me, “Ready yourself!”
I got in a fighting stance with my shield on my left arm and my sword in my right hand. Nara ran towards me with her sword held high and closed the twenty-foot distance between us in less than a second. I was shocked at how fast she moved. It was, as if, she was a lightning bolt!
I raised my shield higher to stop the strike that was coming from her. She slammed her sword into my shield with the impact radiating through my whole body. My left arm holding the shield, instantly, felt like it was going to fall off from the force of the blow. I took my right arm and swung my sword at her midsection, which she instantly dodged. She raised her sword arm high again and instantly hit my shield with another powerful blow.
Nara’s blow was so powerful, it pushed me backwards. My shield arm radiated so much pain, I thought it may be broken. Nara walked backwards, looking at me angrily. I lowered my shield and sword, thankful for the pause. All I could think about now was how bad my shield arm felt. Her striking force was like a giant boulder hitting me.
Nara stood there for a minute, just looking at me silent and angry. I didn’t say a word. When Nara is in training mode, she doesn’t tolerate foolishness or jokes. She never plays around, when it comes to training.
She walked over to the nearest table and put her sword and shield on it. She turned to me and said, “You are very strong young one. But you are not going to be fighting a man. You are going to be fighting an earthen giant. You cannot utilize your strength alone.”
She paused for a minute, seeing if I understood what she meant. My mind raced through her words, trying to understand what she meant.
There was a long pause of silence. She then spoke again, “Young one, you took many math classes for your degrees, correct?” I nodded to Nara still trying to figure out what she wanted me to understand.
She then said to me, “Out of all the math classes that you took, which one was your favorite?” I replied to Nara, “Definitely, trigonometry.” Nara shot back, “Why?” I quickly replied, “Because it’s the study of triangles and angles…………” I instantly paused staring at Nara.
A huge smile came across Nara’s face, as I pieced through, what she was trying to teach me. Suddenly, I completely understood. I was trying to use brute force with my shield, ignoring everything that I learned about angles. I thought to myself, “Duhhhh, could I be any more stupid.”
Nara still smiling said, “Good young one, now you understand.” I paused and shifted my head thinking, “Can she read my mind?” Nara still smiling said, “Yes young one, I can read your mind.” She walked over and grabbed her sword and shield.
Nara then said, “Are you ready to continue?” I nodded to her that I was ready. I readied my shield and sword.
This time Nara was only about 10 feet from me. Nara closed the distance between us in about ½ a second with her sword coming down from overhead. I angled my shield this time, raising it in the air. Her sword struck the shield, glanced off of it, heading downwards. I smiled, realizing that just simple angles allowed me to withstand the strength of her blows. I swung my sword at her in a sweeping arc, which she dodged easily. She was so damn fast!
We trained for another hour, when Nara finally said, “Good, you did very well. Go ahead and get some rest.”
I instantly felt a pulling motion and sat up in bed. The room was spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up. I thought to myself, “Great, I am back here.”
As I went to get out of bed, I used both arms and noticed a pain, shooting through my left arm. I looked over at my arm, noticing my upper shoulder was covered in bruises. I headed over to the mirror and looked at my shoulder, shocked. I remembered, vividly, the training that I did with Nara. As I kept looking at the bruises, I said to myself, “How can I astrally travel somewhere, and yet still get bruises on my body?” Regardless of not understanding the bruises, I am truly grateful, for Nara reminding me, not to rely on my strength alone.
10-21-2024 - Gone for Now

Armin van Buuren feat. Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Official Video)
Roughly two years ago I had fallen asleep early and entered a dream. In the dream I was walking outside on a bright sunny day. As I was walking along, I felt something behind me and turned around.
As I turned around a huge man was standing about ten feet away from me, just smiling at me. I knew something was wrong. A feeling of ill will was radiating from this man. Suddenly, he began to morph and change, growing taller and wider.
What now stood before me was the grotesque misshapen earthen giant. He looked like a hideous nine-foot-tall giant troll with shiny granite teeth. His body was covered in massive muscles that lay just below his clay-colored skin.
I took a step back, knowing that this was not our final battle. I thought about a sword and shield, which both instantly appeared. My left arm was now fitted with a large shiny round shield, while my right arm now carried an arming sword. I felt comfortable and ready to fight the monster that stood before me.
The earthen giant let out a deafening roar and lunged at me. Before I could even react, he froze in midair. Instantly, I felt Queen Kristyn next to me.
I turned and looked at Queen Kristyn. She stood the same height as the earthen giant and was wearing see-through black lingerie, which clearly showed her perfect, tan, physique. An unquenchable lust arose inside of me for her and her alone. However, I could tell she was extremely angry.
She looked at the earthen giant and said, “I have had enough of you bothering him. See if you can find him now.” Suddenly, below the earthen giant a black doorway appeared. Queen Kristyn waved her hand and the earthen giant fell into the black doorway, disappearing from sight. Once he was gone from sight, the doorway disappeared.
Queen Kristyn turned to me smiling and said, “He will no longer be able to reach you from where I sent him.”
I kneeled before Queen Kristyn and said, “Thank you for always being there when I need you.” She looked down on me, smiling a loving smile and said, “Young one, I am always here for you.” She leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and disappeared.
I instantly woke up from the dream still feeling the warm lingering kiss that was applied to my forehead. My mind raced over the details of the dream, enjoying the part where he fell through the portal to somewhere else. Since that dream, I have never seen the earthen giant again. The next time we meet will be our final battle.
12/02/2024 - Maisah Warns Me

About three months ago, I was cleaning out my garage over the weekend. I must have spent a few hours moving stuff around and cleaning, when I decided to take a break. I headed into the house, got something to drink, and sat on the couch. I quickly finished my drink and noticed that all the cleaning had worn me down. I grabbed the couch pillow and decided to take a quick power nap, before I headed back out to the garage.
I must have been asleep for about 15 minutes, and then entered a vivid dream. In the dream, I was laying on the couch and sat up. I could feel a familiar presence around me. I quickly looked around, to see if my physical body was anywhere. As I scanned the room I couldn’t see my physical body anywhere. I thought to myself, “Hmmm… I must be dreaming.”
Suddenly, off to my right Maisah appeared, standing a few feet from me. She was wearing a vibrant, skimpy blue dress that hugged her body in all the right places. The dress had long slits in the middle, which seemed to shift on their own, revealing her exquisite vagina. While her long blonde hair seemed to move, as if, there was a gentle breeze blowing in the house.
Maisah walked over to me and sat down next to me. She reached over, grabbed my hand, and looked seriously at me. I could tell she was about to tell me something important. So, all sexual thoughts quickly left my mind.
Maisah kept the serious look on her face and said, “You need to stop having all these children. It is forbidden for different species to mate. There are consequences for your actions.”
She looked closely at me, to see if I understood her. I nodded that I understood. She then leaned in and kissed me on the lips.
I instantly woke up from the dream, still feeling her moist kiss on my lips. As I sat up, I felt Maisah’s presence dissipating. I started replaying the vivid dream in my mind with Maisah’s words of warning.
Instantly, Tiamat’s voice boomed throughout my head with her long ssssss, “My SSSSSSweet, rulessssssss are made to be broken!”
I sat there for a long time on the couch trying to understand the warning. It is forbidden for different species to mate, which meant the demons that I have been having kids with. Maisah didn’t say who made that rule or even what the consequences would be. Yet she has never lied to me and always protected me, as well as, giving me the most mind-blowing sexual experiences.
I stood up from the couch, not scared of the warning from Maisah, but more so curious. What were the consequences of having so many kids? Who forbade it? Historically, different spiritual beings have always mated.
I headed to get some more water to drink, with Tiamat’s words still echoing in my head, “My SSSSSSweet, rulessssssss are made to be broken!” I decided not to worry about it right now. Obviously, Tiamat is giving me the thumbs up, when it comes to having kids. So, I decided to put this warning from Maisah on the shelf, until I can fully understand the meaning of it.
Note: When I post the bonding ritual for Tiamat, really think about if you want to connect to her. Once you call upon Tiamat, you are eternally bound to her. She is that Powerful! This is not my opinion; it is a fact! Once you have called her, your entire spiritual existence is altered. You have been warned again!
In Progress - Hecate Shows Me A Spiritual Death

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