Goddess Lilith
Arts Type:
Animal Symbol:
Relationship to Me:
Favorite Color:
Feelings in presence:
White, Gray, Dark, Black ( Deities embody all art types )
Northern Hawk Owl
Crescent Moon with Cross Below it
Mother Goddess
Dark Red
Euphoric motherly love, intelligence, or a suffocating darkness
Lilith's Messages to Me
You have always been a child of mine!
The reason my children sometimes see me with red eyes is because of my anger. The red eyes represent the anger, I feel, because I must put my children through a difficult situation for spiritual growth. Never believe, that I have abandoned you!
Connection Ritual
If you feel drawn to Lilith and want to connect with her but are unsure how to proceed, you can follow the steps below. Warning – Always be respectful to Lilith as she can make your life a living hell!
1. Purchase one large red candle.
2. Purchase some rose incense.
3. Print out seven of Lilith’s images below.
4. Find a comfortable area, where you will not be disturbed for 30 minutes.
5. Place the seven moon with cross images on the floor, forming a large circle.
6. Place a chair in the center of the circle or else sit on the floor.
7. Place the red candle and rose incense in an area that will not catch fire. (They do not have to be in the circle).
8. Light the red candle and rose incense.
9. Enter the circle and sit on the chair or on the floor.
10. Close your eyes and clear your mind.
11. For the next twenty to thirty minutes repeat Lilith’s name over and over. You can either do it out loud or in your mind. It doesn’t matter, she will hear you.
12. If you start to feel Lilith’s presence, control your fear. She is not there to harm you. However, opening oneself up can be scary the first few times.
13. If you did the ritual and didn’t feel anything, continue to the steps below.
14. Let the red candle and rose incense burn completely out on their own.
15. Hang 4 of Lilith’s images on each one of your bedroom walls, one on the North wall, one on the South wall, one on the East wall, and one on the West wall.
16. Take the other 3 images and slide them under your mattress. One image should be at the left side, head of your bed, one image should be at the right side, head of your bed, and the final one should be at the center, foot of your bed.
17. Leave the images in those positions for the next few days. They will offer you protection from all rogue spirits that may try to interfere.
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